Friday, October 1, 2010

Neighbours from Hell! (Ele 3 Wed/Fri Sept 2010 )

The lesson focused on the topic of neighbours and the different problems that you can have with them.Also there was a focus on
present continuous.

Ian the new Senior Teacher observed the class for half an hour and it was useful to have someone note down the interactions taking place.Like me he had noticed for the first group activity,where the students were noting down the different prolems with neighbours,that a person in each group was the 'secretary'.Also due to the class being Elementary some of the interactions was taking place in French.
The students who did most of the interactions were Amos,Soumaya,Mounir,and Yemna.

In the last lesson,I'd showed the 'Big City Small Word' section of the British Council Learn English Central web site and at the end of today's class Soumaya showed me her notebook;she said liked the episode 'Injured Football Player' and in fact had written down the vocabulary from the pre-task activity!

From the book Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms,Richards,J.C.,in the chapter,approaches to classroom investigation,some important procedures are recommended:
Bailey 1990,Porter et al.1990,Walker 1985 state that it's important to make entries on a regular basis and immediately spend time after the lesson in writing up about the lesson
In addition to review the journal entries as some things which were not obviously apparent might appear so later on.

On page 16 Richards,J.C. mentions some reflection questions to guide thé writing of the journal:
What did you set out to teach?
Were you able to accomplish your goals?
What teaching materisls did you use?
What grouping arrangements did you use?

Did anything amusing or unusual occur?
Did you discover anything new?
Did students contribute actively to the lesson?
Were the students challenged by the lesson?
What do you think the students really learned from the lesson?
What did they like most about the lesson?
What didn't they respond to?

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